At Tupperware, we are driven by our purpose: to nurture a better future, every day. We’re doing what we can to ensure a better future for our families, for our friends, our children and our communities. With our quality, durable and innovative products intended to reduce food and single-use packaging waste, and empowering people around the world with entrepreneurial opportunities through an independent Tupperware business, we live out our purpose every day.
Furthermore, integrating ESG initiatives into our business at Tupperware, we have been rebalancing our priorities, reaffirming our material topics and setting clear strategies toward the achievement of our ESG goals. We are guided by our core values across our ESG goals, programs and actions:
- We do what’s right. We speak and act with integrity, understanding we are each a reflection of the Tupperware brand.
- We succeed as a team. We believe in collaboration, the sharing of ideas and working together to achieve our common goals.
- We always improve. We believe in stepping outside our comfort zones, always looking for new ways to better ourselves, our work and what we offer the world.

We Do What's Right
At Tupperware, we take a strict approach to Compliance throughout our business, aiming to comply with our Code of Conduct, internal policies and all applicable laws and regulations everywhere we operate. We maintain a strong legal team at Corporate and regional or country levels to ensure Compliance requirements are understood and effectively executed.
Our Code of Conduct guides our behavior in all aspects of responsible business and is available in 14 languages. All our new Associates sign an agreement to uphold the provisions of the Code of Conduct and receive related training, and we conduct an annual certification process for all associates to verify acknowledgment of the requirements under the Code of Conduct and for select associates to report any conflicts of interest about which the associate is aware. In addition, we conduct
At Tupperware, we take a strict approach to Compliance throughout our business, aiming to comply with our Code of Conduct, internal policies and all applicable laws and regulations everywhere we operate. We maintain a strong legal team at Corporate and regional or country levels to ensure Compliance requirements are understood

We Succeed as a Team
We recently began implementing programs in the U.S. and globally for markets to use best practices to create a roadmap to listen, educate, communicate, celebrate and activate.
In 2021, we worked to expand our Associate Resource Groups with purpose and re-invigorated efforts to make them genuine and useful resources for our associates, as well as to align them with our values. Many of the groups have been renamed and reimagined to focus on the issues that matter most to the associates who lead them. The ARGs now provide a strong forum for capturing associate feedback, developing new leaders and for establishing a cadence of communication between leadership and associates.
We have invested in supporting commercial and Sales Force initiatives to provide tools or facilitate orders, sales and marketing for the Sales Force and other channels. The independent
We recently began implementing programs in the U.S. and globally for markets to use best practices to create a roadmap to listen, educate, communicate, celebrate and activate.
In 2021, we worked to expand our Associate Resource Groups with purpose and re-invigorated efforts to make them genuine and useful resources for our

We Always Improve
Since 2017, we have been measuring our performance in the following key areas (i.e., energy and emissions, water and waste), and we have made significant progress since that time. Our revised targets challenge us to deliver significant additional resource efficiencies in the coming decade.
- Mexico: Installed 267 LED lamps, leading to an expected savings of 31,022 kWh annually.
- Belgium, Brazil, Greece, Korea and Portugal: Made energy-efficient and LED lighting improvements in 2021. Many of our other sites began this work in 2020 and earlier.
- Korea: Replaced forklift chargers with high-efficiency upgrades, leading to an energy savings of 3,254 kWh in 2021.
- Australia, Brazil, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal and the U.S: Upgraded equipment like cranes, air compressor systems, forklifts and temperature control systems with more efficient alternatives
- Greece: Air-leak reduction programs led to an energy consumption savings of 30,000 kWh in 2021.
Since 2017, we have been measuring our performance in the following key areas (i.e., energy and emissions, water and waste), and we have made significant progress since that time. Our revised targets challenge us to deliver significant additional resource efficiencies in the coming decade.
- Mexico: Installed 267 LED lamps,